Once Again an Excellent Ph.D Thesis in Shanghai




       A degree thesis supervised by Prof. Jiandong DING was awarded as Excellent Ph.D thesis once again by Shanghai Education Committee and Shanghai Degree Committee. This is the 2nd time for Ph.D theses and the 3rd time for theses of graduates in this group.

       The previous two theses were titled as ¡°Monte Carlo simulation of chain configuration under flow and the underlying viscoelasticity¡± by Mr. Guoqiang XU in 1999 and ¡°Synthesis of PCL-PEG-PCLA thermogel, its peptide modification, and potential medical applications¡± by Mr. Zheng ZHANG in 2011.

       This time in 2016, Mr. Xiang YAO won the honor due to his Ph.D thesis in 2013 titled ¡°Effects of cell shape and surface chirality on adhesion and differentiation of stem cells revealed via material techniques of surface patterning¡±.

